Father and Son
Welcome to Father and Son
Welcome to Father and Son the Alexander Addington and Peter Sinclair Fanlisting. This fanlisting is listed at TFL.org. This fanlisting is for anyone who is a fan of the relationship between Alexander Addington and Peter Sinclair
Whether you're a fan on the father/son bond these two share, you might prefer the more professional employer/employee side of the relationship or you just feel these two are good friends then this listing is for you.
What is a Fanlisting?
A Fanlisting is a list of fans from a particular subject i.e. TV Show, Band, Book, TV show pairing etc. There can only be one fanlisting for each subject, this site hosts the Fanlisting for the relationship between Alexander Addington and Peter Sinclair.
Subject: TV Relationship: Peter Sinclair and Alexander AddingtonSince: 30 December 2010
Members: 3
Pending: 0
Last Update:
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